
Pork Chop

The Pork Chop! Oh my oh my oh my “The Pork Chop”

Pork chopIf you’re like most people you have already thought “what am I going to cook for tonight’s dinner?”
Well I say make the pork chop! I do have a rub I make for mine that is salt free and loaded with herbs and spices I grind up but a simple salt n pepper seasoning is great too!

You’ll need:

  • pork chops
  • olive oil
  • seasoning


  1. Bring the pork chop to room temperature.
  2. Dry with a paper towel.
  3. Season and rub a light coating of olive oil. 
  4. Heat the grill to super hot.
  5. Place the chop on the grill and leave it for 3-4 min then flip and do the same on the other side.
  6. It is up to your taste how well-done you want it to be, but use a thermometer to guarantee the temperature. 
  7. Let rest for 5 min.

On the side I made a simple salad of chopped red onion, cucumber, tomatoes and fresh basil. Dressing a drizzle on olive oil and some red wine vinegar.

Daniel Mancini

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