d Valentines Ricotta Parfait | MamaMancini's Original Family Recipe

Valentines Ricotta Parfait


If you’re looking for a special dessert to enjoy today try my Ricotta Parfait!

You’ll need:

  • 1-lb ricotta cheese
  • 1/2-cup heavy cream
  • 1-tsp of pure vanilla
  • 1/4-cup of confectioners sugar, more if you love it sweet
  • Shaved or grated dark chocolate
  • Fresh berries


  1. Drain the ricotta of its liquid by placing it in a mesh strainer or cheese cloth and squeeze or press the liquid out
  2. Add the vanilla to the cream and whip it.
  3. Place the ricotta and sugar in a mixing bowl and whip it until it becomes creamy
  4. Fold in the whipped cream until combined.
  5. Place in the fridge to chill for 30 minutes.
  6. Serve with the berries and some shaved or grated chocolate.

I absolutely love this dessert and it’s perfect for today, to share with someone you love, including ourselves.

Happy Valentines Day!

Daniel Mancini

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