d Recipe: Sauteed Swiss Chard with Parmesan Cheese | MamaMancini's Original Family Recipe

Recipe: Sauteed Swiss Chard with Parmesan Cheese

This is an easy and delicious recipe to use with Swiss chard.  

  1. Cut the bottom of the Swiss chard like you would any vegetable.
  2. Chop the stems and leafs into 2 inch pieces or close to that measurement.
  3. Boil the chard in hot water for 5 minutes, then drain.
  4. In a skillet, sauté some olive oil, crushed red pepper for taste, salt, pepper, and of course garlic sliced up. This will really help bring out the taste. (I personally use a lot of garlic)
  5. Let this sauté for about 2 to 3 minutes, and then throw in the Chard.
  6. Sauté all of this together for 3 to 5 minutes depending on how you like it. (It’s so good MMM!).
  7. When satisfied, eat as is, or add some parmesan.

Extra: You could also use with pasta with it. Just sprinkle a little more olive oil to the mixture, in the pasta.

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