d Grandmas Panzerotti | MamaMancini's Original Family Recipe

Grandmas Panzerotti

panzerotti sequenceI can’t even begin to tell you how much I love these. My grandmother would make these on Friday night usually along with some sought of a fish dish. I always passed on the fish and ate her panzerotti till I passed out. If you make these you will understand why I say that.

You will need:

  • Pizza dough
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • tomato sauce
  • Romano cheese
  • Vegetable oil for frying


  1. In a heavy skillet or pot pour a couple inches of oil and get your oil to 350 degrees, best to use a thermometer and try to maintain that heat.
  2. On a floured surface take pieces of the dough and make small pizza’s about the size of a salad place 6″.
  3. On one side put some mozzarella, sauce and a little Romano cheese.
  4. Dip your fingers in water and wet the edge of the dough and fold in half and press the edges together. Similar to a calzone making sure the Panzerotti is completely sealed. You can also pinch and fold the edges if you like.
  5. Now place a couple at a time in the hot oil and fry them to a golden brown flipping to fry the other side.
  6. Place the fried Panzerotti on a paper lined tray to drain and cool a little before enjoying.

– Daniel Mancini 

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