
CEO, Carl Wolf Quoted on Inc.com

MamaMancini’s CEO, Carl Wolf is quoted on Inc.com

“23 Simple Daily Rituals These Executives Do Every Day – No Matter What,”
the reporter included input from Carl, along with a direct link to Mama Mancini’s website.

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Reward your employees.

“A very positive activity is to ascertain a set of benchmarks or goals for various performance metrics. I have found that it’s best to offer a modest reward on a regular basis for achievement to all employees involved in obtaining the desired result. The reward should be meaningful to the employee to motive him or her to continue achieving successful results. While a reward provides employees with a sense of recognition and self-worth, it’s as equally important to ensure that the rewards are only given during performance months, and as a result of hard work and success to continue driving overall company growth.”

–Carl Wolf, chairman and CEO of Mama Mancini’s



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