
Homemade Chicken Stock

I love making my own stock, it’s easy to make and you know exactly what’s in it. After I make it I freeze it in containers.

You will need:

  • 2 gallons of cold water
  • 2 large onions quartered skin left on
  • 6 garlic cloves skin left on
  • 4 carrots chopped skin left on
  • 4 celery stalks chopped
  • black cracked pepper or whole pepper corns 5 in total
  • half a bunch of parsley 15-20 sprigs
  • 1 whole chicken cut into quarters 5 lbs


  1. Put everything into the pot and put the heat to high. Once it starts to boil lower the heat to low. At this point the stock should simmer low and never boil. If it boils it will become cloudy.
  2. Every 30 min skim the film off the top. Cover and allow this to go for 4-6 hours skimming as needed. If the liquid goes below the chicken add hot water to cover.
  3. Once the stock is done strain everything and discard.
  4. Place the stock into the fridge for 10 hours all the fat will rise to the top and become solid.
  5. Remove all the fat and either use the stock of freeze it in containers.

– Daniel Mancini 

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